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Destination BC Launches BC Explorer

The BC Explorer is a new and innovative travel planning tool that is designed to inspire travel to BC. It leverages existing user-generated content (from #exploreBC) for potential travellers to start planning a trip (for example, peer to peer advocacy) and takes social content out of social media and pulls it into another channel in an authentic way. The BC Explorer helps potential visitors move from inspiration to actionable inspiration, creating a sense of urgency for travellers to start planning a BC vacation and providing new opportunities for social engagement.

BC Explorer - KRT - NewsletterA photo must meet the following criteria in order for Destination BC to find & curate it to the tool:

(1) The user must have shared the photo publicly to their own Instagram channel
(2) The user must have used the hashtag #exploreBC in the original post
(3) The user must have geotagged the original post and
(4) The user must give Destination BC permission (via our automated rights management process) to use the photo on our channels. For additional information, please check out this video.