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Destination BC

Have you seen the new Destination BC Tourism Business Essentials Guide?  The Sustainable Tourism Guide provides tips on what tourism operators can do to make their tourism business environmentally sustainable while improving their bottom line and generating business.  The guide also highlights case studies from across the province and provides information on tourism-specific environmental certification programs.  Click HERE to access the guide.

Another new guide is the introduction to Net Promoter Score® (NPS) and a Community Summary of How to Measure NPS. By understanding and applying the three pillars of sustainability – environmental, social and economical – organizations can realize financial savings and help create stronger businesses and communities.

When visitors have remarkable experiences, they share their travel stories with friends, family, colleagues and potentially thousands of other people they reach through their social networks.  Destination advocacy is critical to attract first time visitors to BC.  One way to monitor word-of-mouth advocacy is through the metric Net Promoter Score – a key performance indicator for Destination BC in becoming the most highly recommended destination in North America.  Find out more about how you can measure and increase your NPS HERE.