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Final Registration for Social Media Workshop

Kootenay Rockies Tourism is offering a full day social media workshop for their Tourism Partners.  The intent of the course is to increase awareness and understanding of social tools for tourism buisnesses.


We encourage you to sign up and send in the application this week, because it takes 3-4 weeks for the grant application to get approved.

The workshop will be conducted by Think! Social Media and has been compiled in conjunction with, Paul Cubbon (UBC), with subject matter advice from William Bakker (formerly with Tourism BC).

Think!’s Social Media Workshop will provide Tourism Partners with a solid understanding of social media from which to develop a social media strategy, extending their current marketing strategy and objectives into the online environment.  This will in turn generate a direct financial benefit for participants.

The following dates will be offered this year:

Tourism Operators:
December 6, 2010 – NELSON
December 9, 2010 – CRANBROOK
December 13, 2010 – FERNIE
December 16, 2010 – RADIUM
Accommodation Providers:
December 7, 2010 – NELSON
December 10, 2010 – CRANBROOK
December 14, 2010 – FERNIE
December 17, 2010 – RADIUM
Full cost of the course can be covered by the WTIP Grant.
(See link at Step 2 below.)

Click links below to view pdfs for complete information on Social Media Workshop:


Workshop for Tourism Operators – Overview

Workshop for Accommodation Providers – Overview


Step 1: Email Chris Andrews to reserve your spot (please indicate your name, and date & location of your preferred workshop).

Step 2: Apply for the WTIP Grant.  Download the WTIP Grant Application Form and your course’s proposal:

Step 3:  Print out both documents
and fill in the grant application form.  Use the proposal as a reference (eg dates, training provider, pricing & how training relates to boxes in Section B.1).  Please mail both documents; mailing address is on application form.

Contact information:

Chris Andrews, Manager
Partnership Marketing
Kootenay Rockies Tourism
T 250-427-4838, Ext. 206