Skip to main content blog widget update


The recent relaunch of has brought changes in the URL addresses of some of the website components, of which your website might be linked to. These changes also include a new location for the Blog Widgets.  Please check all your web links to to ensure they are still active!
If you discover any issues, please email

Whether your website already has a Widget embedded, or you are planning to add it soon, the steps to generate a new code are easy.
  The Blog Widget, provides your website users with direct access to blogs for your community. Blogs are interesting and interactive messages which pass on real comments, descriptions of events, exciting experiences, travel tips and more. It’s what visitors want to know.Embedding a Widget such as this one, allows your site to display a link to blog content for your community:

One of 3 Widgets available

(If no blogs have been written yet for your community, the link will default to displaying blogs
about other communities within the Kootenay Rockies.)

First step is to view the
Widgets available, decide which would work best on your website. Then fill in the form and follow instructions to generate your Widget.

Blogging is free and anyone can submit a blog on community news or an experience; they can be strictly text messages or they can include a photo or video. You may like to encourage your staff and friends to blog about their community!

Link here to view blogging examples
For more information, please contact:

Karen Cook
Manager, Publications and Websites
P.:250-427-4838 EXT. 204