The Kootenay Rockies Tourism Media Relations Specialist works as part of an integrated team with Destination BC to plan and execute tactical strategies for effective media coverage from North American media outlets.
Key objectives are to increase unpaid editorial copy on the Kootenay Rockies region in credible, high profile, qualified outlets. To meet this objective, the regional representative attends a number of media events in North America to meet with writers, journalists, photographers and bloggers to pitch story ideas, raise awareness of our unique and diverse products and to deliver consistent and unified messages to the media about the opportunities for visitors in the Kootenay Rockies region. The regional Travel Media Representative also supports Destination BC’s overseas offices with in-market media relations and press trip visits.
Press trips are initiated in two ways, either through the provincial or international media teams of Destination BC or from Kootenay Rockies Tourism internal media department. In both cases the regional representative supports and coordinates the logistics and works with the stakeholders on the press trip itineraries. Budget and tactics are approved and determined by Destination BC.
Media Marketplaces

International Media Marketplace –
Mid-January 2026 – New York City
International Media Marketplace (IMM) is the leading single-day event connecting travel journalists with the industry, enabling exhibitors to make top-level journalist contacts and influence the media’s future output.
The show attracts 400 primarily US media and 275-300 industry attendees. Exhibitors secure a dedicated event table to meet with North America’s premier travel media in 24 pre-scheduled one-on-one appointments.
Celebrating their 7th year in NYC and 13th globally, IMM is firmly established as the must-attend annual event for media relationship building and networking opportunities.

June 4-8, 2025 – Saskatoon, SK
Rooted in Canada with an international reach, the Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC) creates a positive space for travel media and travel industry professionals to cultivate relationships that result in relevant collaborative, comprehensive opportunities and successful outcomes to foster and inspire travel.
Each year, TMAC members gather for an ambitious and wide-ranging annual conference in a new destination. Over 4 days, they exchange story ideas, explore new destinations and keep up to date on skills, trends and techniques.
Kootenay Rockies Tourism attends every 2nd year – next attendance 2026.
This annual conference brings together key media and professional development experts to address the evolving changes in the media and public relations landscape.
The conference is particularly relevant to the nation’s communicators with the opportunity to gather, reconnect and seek timely strategies, resources and diverse perspectives to thrive and excel in the industry.
The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Travel and Tourism Conference will be held at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Centre.
North American Visiting Journalist Program
Travel Media Website
Working with Travel Trade & Travel Media– Videos, Guide & Tool
Image Bank
KR in the Media
Further Information
Regional Media Relations Specialist
Ph: 250-427-4838 Ext. 202