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New Brand for Sparwood

The District of Sparwood has received a new image as part of its rebranding.  Two main taglines that the new brand uses are:  ‘The other side of BC’ and ‘Yours and mine, together’.

Terry Melcer, the District of Sparwood’s Chief Administrative Officer says, “We are not intent on strictly developing as a tourist community, but we are intent on demonstrating that we are proud of our community, that we are open for business and that we are happy to share our story and community with the rest of the world”.

The new branding will appear on signage as people enter the city and the Titan Terex truck – The world’s largest truck, almost – as the new branding says. The brand speaks in a fresh manner to the unpretentiousness of Sparwood. 

The project also includes a new logo featuring one star, which reflects the old taglines, which had five separate stars, one for the five different towns that now make up Sparwood, and a brand new website: